Sweet V Herbal Yoni Steam
All Natural Ingredients
- Anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the vaginal area
- Antimicrobial properties, which may help prevent infections and promote a healthy vaginal environment
- Helps maintain the optimal pH balance in the vagina, preventing imbalances and discomfort
- Soothing properties, which may help alleviate discomfort or irritation in the vaginal area
- Pleasant scent can add a calming and refreshing aroma to the steaming process
- Aromas promote relaxation and reduces stress
- Contain antioxidants that may help protect against free radicals and oxidative stress
- Soothing and moisturizing effects on the skin
- Pleasant scent provides a calming and uplifting experience during vaginal steaming
More Details
Benefits and uses of our Sweet V Herbal Yoni Steam:
- Heals and tones the tissues of the vagina
- Regulates menstrual cycle and flow, such as decreasing flow or restoring an absent cycle; it can also help to clear blood clots
- Reduces symptoms of bloating, cramping, and pain during menstruation. *When done prior to menstruation, it helps reduce the severity of symptoms
- Increases fertility
- Helps to clear uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis
- Helpful for pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, or tightness
- Trauma and emotional healing, plus a reconnection to femininity
- Postpartum healing, healing from a miscarriage or an abortion
- Helps to heal hemorrhoids
- Supports complete cycles pre-menopause
- Helps relieve vaginal dryness during menopause
Precautions / Contraindications
• Do not steam if you’re pregnant or if you are trying to conceive; speak with a practitioner
• Do not steam during your period
• Do not steam if you have an IUD
• Do not steam if there is excess heat in the body due to fever, hot flashes, or night sweats
• Do not use essential oils, they are too harsh for the vagina. Stick with dried or fresh herbs.
• Do not steam if you have any type of internal or external infection
• Speak with a midwife about steaming postpartum
• Speak with an herbalist or holistic practitioner if you are working to heal severe hormonal issues or infertility
Prepare Your Environment
Turn on some calming music, burn some copal, palo santo, or incense, and grab a book—plus anything else you’d like to add to make your experience enjoyable.
Ideally, you have a steaming stool (available on Steamy Chick, Etsy, and Amazon). Alternatively, an incredibly clean toilet will do, or a place where you can squat over the herbs without burning yourself. *Be very cautious not to touch the pot with your body.
It’s often best to steep our Sweet V Herbal Yoni Steam on the stove in one pot and then transfer the herbs to another (cooled pot) for steaming.
Start by boiling about 3 quarts of filtered water. Once boiling, add 1 cup of our Sweet V Herbal Yoni Steam, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool for 5 minutes. From there, you can transfer the herbs to a cool pot, place them below your steam stool (or your super clean toilet), and get undressed from the waist down.
Sit on your stool, steaming chair, or toilet over the steam for 15–30 minutes. The steam should not feel too hot or aggressive. If it does, wait another 5 minutes and then try again. Use a towel to cover yourself and lock the steam in. Use this time for meditation, reading, or whatever feels right. When finished, discard the water and herbs in the garden or add them to your compost.
Happy Steaming!
Ingredients: Dried Calendula, Dried Raspberry, Dried Lavender, Dried Motherwort, Dried Mugwort, Dried Rose Buds and Petals, Dried Yarrow, Dried Nettle, Dried Hibiscus Flower